What do girls want from boys? Why are girls afraid of boys? Why are girls beautiful?

Before knowing what girls want from boys, you need to know about love, otherwise you will not understand anything.


What is love.

Friends, what is love, you know that many people say that love is a joke, you must tell in the comments what you say.  Those who love, those people must know what love is and those who do not love, those people want to know about love.  So friends, today we will know some things about love, so friends must read this article.

Love is a feeling.  This feeling can be felt when someone is in love.  The feeling of love is bigger and better than all other feelings.  The mind controls the feeling of love.

 No one can describe love in words.  This love can only be felt.  Love is felt not only by humans but animals also feel this love.

 It is this love that makes someone crazy and makes someone successful.  Some people consider this love to be right, while some people consider this love to be bad.  Do tell me what you believe in love.

 Friends, let me tell from your side that love cannot be felt by telling or coercion and love can happen to anyone, be it from brother or any girl, that is, love can be felt, love is not seen.

 Friends, there are many people who love for money or most of the love for the body is only in boys and girls.  Love is not even a toy that is played with and abandoned.

 Friends, I am thinking that earlier there was no love for anyone, but now everyone loves love.  Some are ready to die for love, but they do not think what will happen to the house.

Friends, till now I know so much that no one loves mother more than mother.


What do girls want from boys

 Good girls, girls with more money and intelligent girls only want from boys that they love me unconditionally, they give me unconditional love, they should not let me fall in the eyes of anyone, that is, they should not leave me by loving, and most importantly,  Have respect.  Just in my opinion, the girls of a good family family do not want anything more than a good educated boy because where love and material things are found, he is very happy.


 Why girls are afraid of boys

 Girls think differently than boys or even if you say they think more and their first reason is family.  And in the meantime, if a boy comes in her life, then she is afraid that if she falls in true love, then what will she say to her family, how will she tell her brother and if the family does not agree, then how will she leave the one whom she loved.

 Now I understand why girls are afraid of boys, in fact girls are not afraid of love but are afraid of their family, which no boy can ever understand.  This is the reason why we blame girls and there is no need to tell further, when you talk to a girl from heart to heart, she will tell you everything and no one can be a better friend than a girl in the world.


Why are girls beautiful

 If you take a look at the girls, then you will find most of the girls beautiful.  Although some girls are less beautiful, some are more.  But some girls are an exception to this.  If we consider the exception to be negligible then we can say that most of the girls are beautiful.  By the way, beauty is also different inside different girl.

 Like a girl’s waist is more beautiful then someone’s face.  But have you thought about why girls are always prettier than boys?  Today we are going to talk about this.  Friends leave everything, I tell you.

 Who told you that girls look beautiful, just as men find girls beautiful, in the same way, girls also find men beautiful, the only difference is that someone preaches with drums, someone suppresses this secret in their heart  keeps.

 If you don’t believe it, have you ever seen girls attracted to a girl or heard saying that look what a beautiful girl she is going for.  Nature has made both of them in such a way that they are attracted towards each other and the creation continues.

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