Why does a mother love her children more than her life? | Do children also love and adore their mother?

First of all we need to know about mother’s love.


mother’s love

 When love in this world started with mother’s love.  Out of all the love in the world, mother’s love is the highest.  There is no person or any relationship in this world other than the mother who is without any selfishness whether it is physical, mental, financial or other kind of selfishness, somewhere related to love, but mother’s love is not in any part of the world.  Not related to selfishness.


 A mother loves her child by adopting both the good and the bad of the child.  For him, successful children or failed children, right or wrong, etc., do not matter or have any value.  Mother just knows how to love and mother is always ready to support her children in any situation.  God has created man, but mother has given it life and carried it forward.  Whatever a person becomes in life, the success he achieves, it is all because of his mother’s love or mother.

 Mother’s love is most invaluable in the world because in the absence of parents, no one can give you such love again in this life because marriage, children can be obtained again in all life but the love of parents or mother  Can’t get back in life.


 Why does a mother love her children more than her life?

 It has been told in the journal ‘PLOS Biology’ that due to the origin fact called genomic imprinting, our mother loves her child more than life.  Where only one copy of the gene of a family is active, due to which the behavior of the mother towards the child is affected.


mother’s story

 This evening I was playing with my two sons.  Then I don’t know when and how one of my sons got a thorn in his hand.  I immediately asked him to put him down.  But he was in a mischievous mood.  He started flying it up and down like an airplane.

 I widened my eyes as usual but he still didn’t listen.  In the process of getting rid of that thorn from his hands, that thorn came very close to my left eye.

 I cried out in pain, and mother, mother-in-law, teacher-mother, assistant all ran into the room.  When everyone came to know what had happened, everyone started scolding him.  The poor man got so scared that he came straight and hid in my lap and started crying.

 Then I told everyone to be calm and told everyone that instead of scolding him, we should find out how the thorn came in his hand.

 By then my eyes had become very clear and the teacher-mother ran to the kitchen and brought ice and she put that ice in a handkerchief and started applying it lightly near my eye.

 Mother-in-law was very angry.  She came to me to scold her and was about to scold her when I stopped them.  I just told him that he didn’t even know what it was.

 The mother-in-law went out of the room grumbling.

 Then I pacified my son by hugging him.  I was able to make him laugh by giving him lots of affection.

 When husband returned home from office in the evening, he was shocked to see my swollen eyes.  When I told him everything, he told me “You do amazing. Instead of scolding your son, you are smiling even in pain.”

 I smiled one more time and said, “Yeah. Mom Joe.”

 An Indian mother loves her children more than her own pain.


Do children also love mother

 Yes, children also love their mother very much, but when the mother becomes old, many boys still love but do not tell.  But the mother, being old, loves the children very much, she even gives her life for her children, but the boys do not understand.

 If I talk about my mother, then my mother loves me very much.  We are two brothers but one of my brothers has gone to earn and my father is not in this world.  Still my mother loves both of us brother very much and both of us brothers also love mother very much.

 Friends, let me tell you a little bit more about you, when both of us brothers were very young, then our father passed away and our brother had 10th examination at that time, then I was very young.  At that time we did not have much money then my brother went to earn after giving 10th exam and now I am studying now our brothers want me to study.

 So friends, I am studying now and I am while studying.  Thought that if I would do a little part-time job, my brother would be helped a little.  Come on friends, I told a lot about myself, if there is any problem, then I will definitely reply by comment.

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